You Are a Magnetic Force: A Crystal Manifestation Practice

a golden mandala

One of the big lessons I think many of us took from 2020 was the necessity of being able to adapt and thrive.

Change is the only constant, and so much feels beyond our control.

And yet, there IS hope, opportunity, invention, innovation, and magnificent healing that is happening all over the world - right now.

How do we tap into that, and invite some of it our way?

Yesterday I settled down to record a demonstration of a celestial Being crystal channeling with selenite (creates a pure channel of light) and black tourmaline (creates a safe, high frequency connection so that only light being can enter).

I didn’t know what would come through, but the teaching and the guidance that I received gifted me with a new, daily manifestation practice that I can literally do under in 5 minutes.

And I’m sharing it with you here!

I’ve had mentors over the years speak to me about the magnetic forces in the world, and how working with these forces can help you manifest with ease.

While it resonated, I admit I never fully understood how to work with them, until the guidance I received from my channeling yesterday.

What came through was teachings + a practice on how to master our own innate magnetic forces to pull to us, or to achieve, soul-aligned desires.

Teachings or guidance from higher dimensional beings can often be deceptively simple, especially when it comes to philosophical or energy workings, but this practice is straight-forward, elegant, and I think easy enough for anyone to do.

It also deeply resonated for me because it explained some incredible manifestations that I’ve experienced or witnessed over the years.

We Are Magnetic

a magnet

Anatomically and atomically (try saying that fast 3 times!) human beings are electric, but did you know that we are also magnetic?

Major organs in our bodies like our hearts and brains generate electromagnetic fields, as do our cells at an atomic level.

According to the consciousness I connected with yesterday during my crystal channeling, we’re working our electricity way too much, and our magnetism not anywhere near enough, which is causing strife and lack.

It’s time for us to manifest some greater ease, joy, and abundance my friends, without having to worry or work ourselves to the bones.

Read on if you’re ready to receive more in a way that is sustainable and soul-aligned for yourself.

The Spiritual Message + Teachings

As I began channeling, a tube or tunnel of light opened up for me, and I felt spiritually transported to a place of bright shining light where I felt held, peaceful, serene. All earth-based fears and worries simply disappeared.

I met with a source of consciousness (aka. a celestial being) who told me that they create spaces like this so that we can be clean, receptive, and open to receiving guidance, healing or instruction as the pure luminous souls that we are, and that many of us come back from these spaces changed in a positive way.

This is what was shared:

a blue watercolor graphic of a crystal cluster

Many of us [humans] are feeling lost on our paths right now, but we are actually finding our way – it’s just that we’re feeling our way along new paths because so many more of us are awakening.

Ultimately, we feel lost because we feel lost within ourselves; we feel disconnected from our inner certainty or inner authentic consciousness.

We feel this way because we’re being pulled in so many directions, overwhelmed with so many distractions, and this confuses and ciphers our energy away from ourselves.

This is caused by a misunderstanding of abundance vs. lack – people feel the need to draw as much as they can out of other people in order to meet their needs or desires – instead of being in a situation where what they need or desire is drawn to them.

Humanity has forgotten about its magnetism, and that’s because so many people have fallen out of alignment with who they are, with their soul’s truth. They are afraid to be who they truly, authentically are because they’re afraid they won’t be loved.

The miracle occurs when we allow ourselves to come into pure alignment with our souls, without fear or judgement, because then we find everlasting love within ourselves that radiates outwards and transforms our experience around us in the most joyful, glorious ways.

This is not a new teaching, but based on our life experiences and conditioning, it’s easy for us to turn away from these teachings and to not believe them because it sounds too easy.

So, About That Magnetism…

a person sitting in a field with a light behind her and her chakras lit up

According to this celestial Being, we have forgotten about our magnetism.

We are focused on our electricity, which is our actionable selves, the selves that go out and do things and make things happen and procure things and get things done and create things.

Our electric selves are always channeling our energy outwards in an effort to change or transform our reality, but we’ve forgotten to also focus our magnetism, drawing inward to affect or change our reality.

We’re created in way that generates electricity, but we also create magnetic charges, and this is how we generate electromagnetic fields within and around our bodies.

By focusing too much on the electric, and not enough on the magnetism, we’re creating an imbalance that creates lack at every level from cellular to global.

How We Can Tap Into Our Magnetic Force?

When we’re in alignment with our soul and our soul-level desires, our energy automatically begins to magnetically draw towards us that which we are seeking.

This is because the soul desires what is already meant for us and exists for us, so this sparks synchronicity and works in harmonic order with the law of attraction.

As our electric force is often directed by the mind, it can fall sway to our limiting beliefs, our “shoulds”, our fears and our ego, which disrupts the natural flow of magnetic manifestation from our soul. In other words, it can block us from manifesting naturally and with ease that which we truly, deeply desire.

The Daily Practice

This practice is best done in the morning (but can be done at any time), and can take as little as 1 to 5 minutes to help trigger the shift to your magnetism.

1. Sit quietly and close your eyes. If you like, you can hold crystals in your hands from the suggestions below.

2. Imagine a channel of light passing down through your body and into your very soul, the core or center of your being.

3. Allow this channel of light to magnetically pull you into alignment with your heart and soul. Sit here for a few minutes and get used to that feeling, allowing feelings of centeredness and serenity to enfold you.

4. Once you feel that you are centered or in alignment, inwardly ask your soul what it is that you desire, and what it is pulling towards you that will bring your glorious joy. Even if you don’t feel or receive a response, just opening to your soul in this way is said to work healing or magic in your favor.

5. Now connect with or imagine the feeling of a magnetic force, emanating from your soul center, and drawing towards you that which you truly desire.

6. Know that there is nothing else for you to do – this is an exercise in allowing. Know that what you desire on a soul-level is coming to you, now that you have opened the door and welcomed the flow of your magnetic energy

There may very well have been times in your life when you experienced the miracle or magic of manifestation, but you then doubted whether or not that could actually happen for you.

That’s because we’re so accustomed to doubting ourselves in general! But the guidance is that if you allow yourself, for the few minutes of this practice, to just be curious, wondrous like a child, and open to seeing what happens, you can begin to undo this conditioned way of limited thinking.

Allow these few minutes of daily practice to be moments where you’re reclaiming your inner power, and coming back to yourself more fully in all of your grace.

Crystals For Your Daily Practice

While crystals aren’t necessary for this daily practice (and weren’t suggested by the guide), here are a few that can add a little oomph to your daily practice:

a white selenite sphere


a black tourmaline natural rod

Black Tourmaline

a clear quartz point

Quartz Point

a natural magnetite cluster


Selenite: opens a clear channel of light, bringer of peace, dissolves blocked energy

Black tourmaline: helps us to center and come into alignment with our soul, neutralizes fear + doubt

Clear quartz: helps to laser focus the energy of our consciousness + intentions, supports us in all workings

Magnetite: helps us to center + raise our frequency, balances our earthly selves with our spiritual selves which helps us come into greater alignment

a greenish-blue amazonite stone


a blue lapis lazuli tumble stone

Lapis Lazuli

a natural rubellite specimen with some black tourmaline forming part of it


a pinkish red rhodonite stone with black mottling


Amazonite: promotes inner awareness of our feelings, truths, and authentic selves

Lapis lazuli: encourages inner insight, knowledge, truth, spiritual discovery, and majesty

Rubellite (aka. red tourmaline): deepens our connection to the truth, love, and desires of our hearts and souls

Rhodonite: grounds us in our heart center, gives us courage to honor our truth, and walk our path lovingly + authentically


YES – you CAN channel guidance through your crystals, too! I will show you how.

Krista holding a crystal in each hand while she stands in a forest surrounded by white flowers. Her eyes are closed and she is gently smiling

Enrol in my Crystal Alchemy & DNA Light Coding Program: “Istaria Crystallis™"

Become certified in journeying into the crystal multiverse and channeling crystal wisdom + energy to consciously effect change or healing at a quantum DNA level for yourself and others worldwide!



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