Evolving into the New Abundance Frequency

a watercolour graphic of the planet earth

Our relationship to prosperity is shifting.

This is a planet of abundance, and as we tap into that frequency which is high, light, and ever so juicy, on a spiritual level we instantly begin to feel nourished and fulfilled.

Fulfillment is the key word here: our own energies begin to align with a focus on plenty from a heart-centred space.

It becomes less about material gain for gain’s sake, and more about a plenitude from that which brings us genuine feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment.

How this shows up or manifests for each person will be different.

Much of it will be determined by core values, soul-aligned desires, physical needs, culture, and system of belief, but it will be authentic and joyful for each person who seeks out this new level of abundance.

I’m given to understand from Spirit and the stones that there is an inherent balance in this: the soul will never crave that which is out of alignment with All-That-Is.

We can relish in newfound feelings of abundance while still caring for and respecting the Earth and each other, having our needs met while supporting others in having the same.

Of course, not everyone’s ready for this yet - we are all in our process - but for those of you walking the stone path who feel a pull to this new level of Being-ness.

Stones that can help you connect with this level of consciousness and frequency:

  • Green Aventurine

  • Uvarovite Garnet

  • Green Kyanite

  • Mookaite Jasper

  • Quartz Cluster

a green aventurine tumbled stone
a natural green uvarovite specimen
a green kyanite blade
a mauve-purple tumbled stone of mookaite jasper
a clear quartz cluster

Here’s a visualization or sensory exercise to help you tune in to this frequency:

  1. Hold your chosen stone in your receptive (non-dominant) hand, sit comfortably, and close your eyes.

  2. Silently greet the spirit of the stone, open up to its energy, and invite its help in tuning you into the abundance frequency.

  3. Breathe fully but not deeply and expand your chest/heart center in an act of opening to receive from Spirit.

  4. Bring your awareness to the Earth - her fullness of life, vibrancy, power.

  5. Allow your awareness to expand to All-That-Is. Feel or see the abundance of the planet and the Universe, and allow that energy to flow through and uplift you.

  6. When you’re complete, thank your stone and clear its energy.

This can be done as a daily practice, or as needed when you start to feel yourself falling into patterns of lack mentality or ego-based desires.

If you tried this exercise, let me know in the comments how you felt afterwards! I’d love to know.



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