Bliss: A Transcendental Crystal Heart Activation

a quartz point with a pink heart surrounding it and golden rays emitting from it

Hello beautiful souls,

A soft, gentle rain is falling. The woods are full of mist. And the birds are singing songs of spring. It's very soothing to the soul.

I'm reminded of when I desperately needed some soul soothing, just recently.

I was experiencing a dark moment of uncertainty, self-doubt, and fear. I've had crippling self-worth issues in my time, and they were having full red flare up.

I had been wearing these heart stones all day for positivity, good fortune, and abundance - but most importantly for feelings of self-worth, deserving, and the openness to receive:

I still had them on when I went to bed that night, wearing them in a pouch right over my heart chakra.

I had trouble sleeping, tossing and turning while willing my mind to find some peace.

And then it happened: I spontaneously placed my hand over my heart, and started to repeat "My heart is pure", over and over again.

As I repeated this, and the realization that this was true began to deepen, I felt a true love for my heart that was so real, so full of love for myself, that I experienced an incredible moment of grace (what you may also call nirvana or bliss).

My whole body was charged with energy, my heart chakra expanded in a way I never felt before, and my body shook with sobs of gratitude, joy, relief, and release.

No matter what may happen to me in this life, no matter what darkness or uncertainty I may face, I know my heart is pure. And I love my heart with my whole heart and soul.

🌟If you have any of these crystals in your keeping, I recommend wearing one or more of them over your heart chakra, and repeating that affirmation:

“My heart is pure.”

Allow the activation to happen.🌟

Krista softly smiling with her eyes closed. She is sitting in her office

A levity of spirit has been with me since that moment.

Abundance, creativity, healing energy and guidance from Spirit flows more fully and freely. And yeah I still face challenges, too, and moments of frustration or anger, because that's life and I’m human.

But now I know how to turn the taps on, so to speak, to shift the flow of energy running through me in a way that feels organic, deeply authentic, and beloved.

And I know the stones helped me do this - because when I had first placed my hand to my heart in that moment, I felt that pouch of stones and laughed, because I knew they were helping me.

They knew I needed this because we have a conscious relationship, the stones and I.

And I want you to have one, too.

Channeling with Crystals

Channeling with the stones changed EVERYTHING for me:

  • It’s how I was able to develop the system of crystal healing that I practiced for years, and now teach to people all over the world.

  • It’s how I learned that I was in fact psychic, powerfully intuitive, and could do crystal readings for myself and other people.

  • It’s how I’ve designed all of my crystal courses the way I have, flourished in my business, written two books that were published

  • It’s what has lit my path, guided me forward, provided me with healing, grace, and support, even through the darkest times in my life.

The crystals are calling their kin – they want to work with you directly, to help you deepen in ways that are organic, authentic, and true to your own path and soul.

Receive their teachings, their guidance, and magic. Open up pathways of possibility you didn't dream were real for you.
And if/when you feel called to do so, provide sessions of channeled healing and guidance for others in person or from a distance, because the need for you is great.
The keys to join us are below. Touch the crystal key, open the door, seize the opportunity.

Here’s a little more about the magic behind the making of Istaria Crystallis™ (formerly known as Light Walker):

Join me in my Crystal Alchemy & DNA Light Coding program: “Istaria Crystallis™”!

It was designed and meant for YOU.



You Are a Magnetic Force: A Crystal Manifestation Practice


How to Work with Portal Quartz (aka. Time Link)