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Krista N. Mitchell Krista N. Mitchell

The Power of the “Soul Ask”

I know that at the end of last year many of us entered into what my crystalline guides call “a burning phase” – a time of archetypal descent where we’ve had to face challenges, hard truths, and shadow in our lives.

These times, while hard, dark, or heavy, deepen us in ways that good times don’t, and the wisdom we gain and the power we reclaim in the process is essential to our evolving humanity…

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Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

Control What You Can Control

You don’t have to be an alpha leader to create change.

They say that challenging times define us, but I don't think that's quite correct:

It's in how we choose to face challenging times that defines us. And the truth as I see it is that the world needs people who make different choices.

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Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

How to Reclaim Power from Your Shadow Self

I often make mention of the shadow self here on my blog, and it’s the basis of a full module of training in my Pro Crystal Healer program, due to the immensely painful effect it has on our lives. That being said, the shadow can be misunderstood or misrepresented as our inner villain, but it’s more closely defined as our wounded self, or wounded warrior.

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Crystal Files, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Crystal Files, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

How to Trust + Follow Spirit

Times of great challenge are also times of great reclaiming: Reclaiming our feelings of resilience, personal power, faith, magic, and healing wisdom. Reclaiming old ways while adopting new. Reclaiming our sense of purpose, and conviction in what truly matters.

It is often in times of challenge or recovery that we turn more deeply to Spirit - for guidance, understanding, support.

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Abundance, Love, Rituals, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Abundance, Love, Rituals, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

You Are a Magnetic Force: A Crystal Manifestation Practice

One of the big lessons I think many of us took from 2020 was the necessity of being able to adapt and thrive. Change is the only constant, and so much feels beyond our control. And yet, there IS hope, opportunity, invention, innovation, and magnificent healing that is happening all over the world - right now.

How do we tap into that, and invite some of it our way?

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