Becoming Your Dream: A Leo Moon Crystal Ritual


Blessed new moon 🌚

This is an interesting one, because astrologically-speaking, this new moon went into Cancer a second time before going void of course and changing into Leo at 4:16pm ET today (where it will remain there until it goes void of course tomorrow at 8:27pm ET).

I got to the game late, only attuning to the moon through the crystal consciousness at about 4:50pm, so while everyone else is posting about the Cancer new moon, here I am writing about the Leo moon!

I've decided to go with it, because honestly, I think many of us (myself included) could do with a little Leo moon juice + some joyfully mad-passionate crystals right now...

My Little Leo Moon Crystal Ritual

When I tuned in to this new moon energy through the crystal consciousness, this question came through to me:

"What if you could be the biggest, boldest version of yourself?

This world is demanding the best of us - what does that mean to you?

The radiance of Leo is the enlightened leader. The creator. The warrior. The golden-crowned heart.

What does that inspire inside you?

What dreams or visions does that stir?"

Here's something I have learned from my experience: Anything you can envision or desire, that feels in alignment with your heart and spirit, already exists as a spark in your soul.

This means that the energetic alignment, the blueprint that can manifest, co-create, or attract it into being only needs your energy to fuel it.Your energy is your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, all focused in the direction of your vision.

What can halt us is believing in lack: not enough courage, or resources, or inspiration, or worth to see it through.

Crystal Suggestions for a Leo Moon:

Here are the crystals, all very Leonine in nature, that are speaking up for you right now in favor of your dream:

a natural citrine point with a golden smoky color

☀️ Citrine - abundance, inspiration, vitality, joy

a deep red carnelian stone

☀️ Carnelian - creativity, passion, power, joy

a bright orange sunstone tumbled stone

☀️ Sunstone - self-worth, sovereignty, alignment, joy

a natural clear quartz point

☀️ Quartz point - to help unify, amplify, and direct them all


  1. Hold one or more in your receptive hand to receive their frequencies, with the quartz pointing in towards your body. Let the above feelings + energy build inside you, filling and energizing every part of your being til it sparkles.

  2. Let your heart beat in rhythm to their vibrations. Breathe in their sunlight and joy.

  3. When you're buzzing from the feels, next hold them in your dominant hand with the quartz pointing out from your body, and focus on your vision.

  4. See it, feel it, believe it. Visualize or imagine the actions you're taking towards it. Let your spirit and the very atoms of your cells align with the energy of your vision.

  5. Going forward, meditate with them or wear them over your golden-crowned heart while boldly, courageously, pursuing your dream.

BEcome more of YOU, bright soul.

Blessings be 🙏🏻


Check out my crystal classes to broaden your practice or deepen your work with the stones in
Istaria Crystallis™.



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