Walking the Labyrinth with Crystal Consciousness

a layrinth with a quartz point in the middle

I’ve always been fascinated by labyrinths. 

Mazes are puzzles that have many paths and possibilities, often complex and confusing (not unlike life, I grant you), but unicursal labyrinths have one path that will lead you to center. 

Keep following the path, and you will reach your goal.

One can draw many analogies here, including the soul-led path, the divine path of destiny, where alignment with our true selves brings us to our center, our North Star, our reason for being or purpose.

Labyrinths are mystical creations that lead us into our own secrets, our own mysteries. They can reveal to us who we are and guide us to our BEcoming.

It is said that labyrinths are archetypes of the human mind: walking the labyrinth for meditative, trance or divinatory purposes has been a human practice since ancient times, and one can find labyrinths at many sacred sites all over the world.

Center and Source - I’ve learned in my work through the stones that they are one and the same.

a hand holding a paper cut out of a labyrinth

In our minds and in our centers we have energetic gateways to Source.

Activating + opening these gateways with crystal light codes can bring us to other realms, new possibilities, and in communication with Universal wisdom + consciousness in all forms of Spirit.

These energetic gateways, or portals, take form and function very much like labyrinths that evolve from 2D to 3D to 5D in the blink of a third eye. 

It’s in the 5D that the channels open, often forming what feels or looks like wormholes through time/space that alter our sense of reality and create access to other dimensions.

The stones say that what shows up on your labyrinth is specific to you - what you experience is what you need to see, learn, or heal at this time on your path, and will appear within the context of your culture and systems of belief so that you can grasp the meaning or concept.

This is something the ancients well understood, in every culture and civilization throughout history: There is more to this world than just this world. There is more to US than the limited capacities within which so many of us live our daily lives.

Reality becomes malleable when we tap into the right spirit energy + guidance.

In other words: Yes, you can have a better life. Yes, you can heal. Yes, you can achieve your goals and visions. Yes, you can become a lot more than what you previously imagined.

And yes, you can help others do the same - just ask the spirit of any medicine person, shaman, oracle, sage, visionary, or prophet throughout history. This is their realm, this is the path they walked – the path of light.

And this can be yours, too.

Once you cross the threshold Istaria Crystallis™ (formerly known as my “Light Walker” program) will blow your mind.

The stones will show you the way, and they’ll open to you, and YOU’LL open to you, in magnificent ways.

Wow! Just wow! Light Walker is the second course I’ve taken from Krista Mitchell, so I had pretty high expectations … but this course seemed to promise maybe too much ... Accessing the light codes of all creation? Learning to walk in all the Realms of time and space? Is that even really possible?! The answer is a resounding YES! Krista infused every class with information, magic, and straightforward instruction, so that this unimaginably mystical experience was accessible to each and every one of us. If you feel called, I urge you to take this class. It will change not only the way you experience the world around you, it will also change the way you experience your own self.

- Toni Michell, Stone Circle Studio

I can tell you something else I know to be true: stone masters throughout the centuries have been working at this level and beyond with crystal energy + consciousness.

Being a light walker who is capable of trans-dimensional experience, channeling spirit guides, and journeying into the Universal fabric of light, life, and consciousness from the galactic right down into DNA sounds very modern and out there - but it’s not.

It’s in fact very, very old.

Remember that crystals and stones can be a millennia or more in age - this is timeless wisdom. Many have been in the keeping of humans before and will be again long after you’re gone, and all stones have a collective consciousness shared through the crystalline matrix (which we will also be exploring in the program).

It’s just that this is knowledge that’s been kept by the few – and I’m now seeking to share it with the many. 

Why? Because the world needs its Light Walkers now more than ever. It needs passionate warriors who not only believe that healing + transformation is possible but are willing to help deliver on a very deep level.

If this speaks to you, please don’t miss out on this opportunity - seize it!

Here’s a little labyrinth magic you can try on your own:

Click on the image below for your free labyrinth printable.

Print your labyrinth, and then trace your path through it with a quartz crystal point.

Relax as you trace, and allow your consciousness to be pulled into the labyrinth.

As you do, the quartz begins to energetically activate your own inner labyrinth.

Continue to trace, or sit and meditate while holding your quartz.

Pay attention to what comes through, as well as your dreams and potential signs from Spirit in the coming days.

a black and white labyrinth sketch


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