The Great Spiritual Anti-Climax

three egg shaped stones with faces painted on them

Coping with the Fallout of an Epic Mystical Experience

One of the many wonders of the spiritual path are those deep, mystical, spiritual experiences we sometimes have in meditation, ritual, or nature that changes our lives.

Our souls sing us to this path, to these wonders, because It craves that magic again – the magic we’ve experienced before as ancient wanderers on an infinite luminous path.

This Universe is full of miracles, starlight, possibility.

It is in a state of never-ending expansion, and this is mirrored in our growth and evolutionary process.

But Spirit is potent medicine, and sometimes after experiencing the wonders, forces, or touch of Creation, we’re left in a post-exhilaration slump that I call “the spiritual anti-climax”.

If you’ve ever felt down, tired, cranky, moody, unable to sleep well, or uncertain about who you are, your purpose, or your place in the world after a powerful spiritual experience (or since that solar eclipse!), then you’ve been in a spiritual anti-climax.

Essentially, it’s a contraction after an expansion, a way for our mind/body to purge what is no longer in resonance with our new vibration or state of consciousness, and a deepening in order to sustain that shift.

Spiritual experiences change us – that’s the point, after all – and we can’t bypass the effects. In the ascension process every part of us must evolve, and that can mean clearing out or resolving a lot of shadow wounds, false conditioning, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and so on…

Here’s the important thing to remember: The phase is temporary! And ultimately good for you. But it’s still hard, I know ❤️‍🔥

So this week on the blog I’ve listed a number of easy, gentle, light-filled and loving ways you can nurture your mind/body through a spiritual anti-climax to help expedite your realignment and settle you fully back in your power.

Even if you haven’t experienced this yet, or of late, it’s a good one to bookmark for the future!

4 Helpful Practices to Get You Back On Track:

1. Ground, ground, ground!

This stabilizes your energy field and soothes your nervous system. Earthing is simple and beautiful means of doing this, but you can also try this practice I shared in my newsletter a few weeks ago [entering the bloodstone cube] or wear one of these crystals grounding crystals on a daily basis.


Image by Merri J @merrij


2. Spend quiet time in nature.

Earthing, forest bathing, or sitting by gently flowing water - nothing teaches how to adapt better than nature. The energy of these practices is soothing, uplifting, and creates space for us to deeply listen.

→ Crystal support for those quiet times: Nuummite, moss agate, healer’s gold, blue lace agate.

a polished pencil point of nuummite
a polished green mossy tumbled stone with a shallow opening on its side
a golden piece of polished healer's gold
a soft blue polished piece of blue lace agate with cloudy white markings

3. Journal.

I’m a big fan of journaling (any style, you can also draw if that’s more your thing) because it creates space for us to be fully present to our thoughts and feelings, tuning us into our inner workings. It’s also a space where we can challenge our thoughts: Is this true? Or is it my inner critic or saboteur? Contemplate.

→ Crystal support to help you hear your truth: Amazonite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite.

a dark amazonite tumbled stone with gray markings
a polished labradorite stone with a golden flash
a cobalt blue tumbled stone of lapis lazuli with golden flecks
a dark blue natural piece of sodalite with white markings

4. Initiate some small, simple changes to start.

Big dramatic changes too fast can create another tailspin. Modern society has forgotten the ways of the ancient master – the process of becoming, or enlightenment, takes time! Simple changes will create a sense of relief, positive forward motion, empowerment, and increase your capacity for bigger changes (if necessary) down the line.

→ Crystal support for clarity and gentleness: Rose quartz, green fluorite, natural citrine, rhodonite.

a pink rose quartz heart
a natural golden citrine cluster from the Congo
a pinkish red rhodonite tumbled stone with black mottling

Final note:

Being in a slump post-bliss is a good thing! It means that the experience effected positive change, and your DNA is following that new instruction by clearing things out. Be present and compassionate with yourself, slow down, feel the feels, and honor your needs.

This, too, shall pass! And you’ll be all the better for it 😘


Entering the Bloodstone Cube