Grounding Crystals: Which One to Choose?


I recommend that every person who wears crystals on a daily basis, always wear at least one grounding crystal.

To be grounded means that you’re centered and present in your body, and your awareness of what’s going on inside and around you.

Grounding is essential to your overall health, wellbeing, and management of daily life.

When you’re grounding you’re:

  • In your power

  • Far less vulnerable to psychic attack and lower, harmful energy

  • Better at managing day to day life and reality (including being on time, paying bills, making ends meet, taking care of your needs, etc.)

  • Less likely to be spaced out and disconnected from your reality

  • Able to maintain healthier boundaries with yourself and others

That being said, not all grounding crystals are the same! Each crystal has its own unique energy properties and frequency. And crystals are multidimensional, so they help us heal on many levels simultaneously.

So in choosing your grounding crystal, you can get more bang for you buck by choosing a crystal that has additional energy properties that can be of service to you!

Here are 7 Grounding Crystals that I recommend with added benefits:

Smoky Quartz

  • Clears stress + negative energy from the system

  • Helps you feel more centered


  • Good for overall wellness, vitality, and health

  • Helps to balance and stabilize your emotional energy


  • Good for wealth, health, prosperity, and vitality

  • Leadership, passion, and empowerment


  • Fortifying, good for boundaries and confrontation

  • Helps you to break bad habits

  • Accelerates healing

a polished mookaite stone with a mustard yellow color and some mauve-ish patches
a polished red jasper stone on a branch

Mookaite Jasper

  • Earth goddess energy

  • Adaptogenic: helps you to adapt to changes particularly in pattern and rhythm, including time changes, jet lag, sleep patterns, etc.

Shiva Lingam

  • Boosts vitality

  • Increases your ability to hear and follow your intuition

Red Jasper

  • Courage

  • Endurance (physical + emotional)

  • Steady energy throughout the day


Check out my crystal classes page for upcoming + online courses!



Crystals + Water Element: Healing & Nurturing


Crystals + Fire Element Magic: Purification & Transformation