Crystal Empowerment for Empaths

a diagonal line of 5 different crystals on a white background

Are you an empath?

Are you someone who's so sensitive to the feelings of others that you experience them as your own?

If so, you're in good company: I'm an empath, too.

And I'll be completely honest with you: I went through energy hell living in New York City. It's a pressure-cooker, and I was doing spiritual healing which required me to be extra in tune.

It was overwhelming, to say the least.

It took me a looooong time to learn how to manage being an empath, but I never saw it as a liability - I saw it as a strength.

It was how I was able to tune in so powerfully to my crystals, read my clients' energy systems, have a sensory awareness of the vibes in a space when I was doing a space clearing.

It was also how I was able to fill a room with healing presence, because yeah, empaths aren't just receiving, they're projecting, too.

It was a gift that I learned to nurture.

So the # of messages I get on a weekly basis from empaths asking me how they can protect themselves from other peoples' feelings concerns me.

It concerns me because it means that they're not in their power. They're exposed, vulnerable, suffering. And it's my experience that the empaths of the world are our healers, our artists, teachers, guides.

They're the ones that can help bring the balance of kindness, healing, and compassion back to a world that so desperately needs it.

I've made some crystal suggestions below that can help support and shield you as an empath, but I'm going to be completely honest here: simply wearing crystals to help protect you is a bandaid solution.

As a healer, I know that in order to truly bring about positive change, you have to address the underlying cause.

I also know that when you're in your power, you don't need protecting. And empaths need to reclaim their power.

Wearing crystals to help you is the first step, working with them to help heal and empower you, is the next.

Crystal Suggestions

Wear the following 5 crystals on a daily basis for empathic shielding and support.

Suggested size: 3/4” - 1.5”, rough or tumbled.

Be sure to clear them on a nightly basis if you’re wearing them daily! They are best worn over the heart chakra.

a translucent, light brown smoky quartz chunk

Smoky Quartz

Grounding, centering, helps to clear lower, harmful energy from the aura and the system

a red tumbled jasper stone on a tree branch

Red jasper

Grounding, fortifying, revitalizing energy that builds resilience and stamina and strengthens the aura’s natural defenses

a pink rose quartz heart

Rose Quartz

Nurturing, loving energy that helps to create a compassionate and joyful buffer zone in your energy field

a black tourmaline chunk with bits of white quartz

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline creates an electric forcefield around the aura, repelling lower and harmful frequencies



Hematite helps to ground and center you in your feelings of empowerment, and also helps you to form and maintain healthy boundaries



Severing Draining Energy Connections: Waning Moon Crystal Magic w/ Black Obsidian


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