Healing Earth Magick: Crystals + Land Spirits

a group of rocks placed one on top of the other in nature

The easiest way to drive me nuts is to litter in front of me, on any given day, but especially on Earth Day. I can't stand it, I have to pick the trash up and snidely say to the offender "How about I put this in the garbage for you?!!"

And the people who pick up their dog's poop in a bag, but then toss that bag on the ground and leave it. @#$%!!! Who ARE those people?!!!!!!

Seriously, how low is that level of consciousness? 

While, given all that's going on in the world, some may say that littering is the least of offenses in comparison, I'm inclined to disagree. It's the meaning of the action that I find particularly disturbing. If someone literally walked over you and dropped trash on your face, how would you feel? Disrespected. De-valued. Violated. Hurt. Demeaned?

What is it saying about a person's relationship to the Earth when they do that? To the land they currently occupy. To that which gives and sustains life?

It makes me reflect on my own relationship to the Earth, to the land upon which I stand. When was the last time I actually looked at it, connected with it, realized that I was in a partnership with it? 

I'm a gardener, I love to garden, and I have plants all throughout my home, but how often do I pause during my day to recognize the consciousness in the plant beings around me? The symbiotic energy relationship that forms whether I'm aware of it or not?

This is important, because it is healing.

If there are two major things we, as human beings, have pinpointed as powerfully healing and restorative forces in our lives, it's mindfulness (or presence), and being in nature. We have to consciously choose to return to these two things because of the draining nature of the world we have created around, and within, ourselves.

Every plant has a spirit. Every element has a spirit. Every tree has a spirit. Every crystal has a spirit. The the land upon which you stand or occupy has spirits that represent it. The Earth herself has a consciousness, her own divine spirit.

To cultivate a stronger awareness of and relationship to these spirits is healing. It's like finally recognizing a child or friend who's been waiting around for you to notice them, to care about them, and becoming in tune with your own need to be a part of them.

Over time and throughout history, a huge rift has been formed between large sections of humanity and nature. A relationship that was once revered has now been abused, forgotten, neglected, and in some sad cases destroyed.

The miracle is that it can be repaired.

I don't know if we can heal the deleterious effects we've had on our planet, but I KNOW FOR SURE that we can heal our relationship to Her, and this goes well beyond clean ups and conservation efforts.

To truly heal the relationship, we have to make an effort to rejoin it, and that means consciously cultivating our relationships to the spirits of the land and nature that surround us.

Even if you live in a large urban center, there will be parkade, a tree planted in the middle of a sidewalk, a flower pot on a stoop, a small tray of herbs growing on a fire escape or windowsill. 

If you take even just a moment on daily basis to connect with a spirit of the land or nature that surrounds you, something will shift inside you -- your magic will deepen. Intuition, healing flow of energy, sense of empowerment and wholeness, loving connection, are all part of this magic.

Here's how to start cultivating a relationship with the land spirits that surround you using crystals.

You will need:

1 quartz crystal that has been cleared and charged; preferably a spot in nature or a natural setting, or even a potted plant; 1 green crystal for healing; 1 pink crystal for love; 1 blue crystal for psychic communication; 1 yellow or gold crystal for blessing; 1 piece of jet or smoky quartz for protection.

Note: That it's specifically jet or smoky quartz is important, for while they are protective and energy-clearing in their nature, they are not shielding. In this particular case, it doesn't come across as friendly to walk into you first meeting shielded.

(You can reference a few of my crystal suggestions with images at the bottom of this post).

Steps to building your healing relationship:

  1. Wear your 4 colored crystals or carry them in a pocket, and go to your spot in nature. 

  2. Hold your quartz in your receptive (non-dominant) hand, sit or stand quietly, and close your eyes. The quartz will help to heighten your physical and psychic senses, and will also amplify the vibration of your intention outwards to the spirits around you.

  3. Rather than stretching your senses outward, searching for a connection, instead allow yourself to relax and be receptive. This is a sign of respect: you're on the land spirits' territory, and you're inviting a relationship, not seeking to impose one. Let them reach out and connect to you.

  4. Be open to whatever you experience, and the possibility that for the first few tries you may not experience anything at all. In some cases land spirits can feel so brutalized and offended by destructive human behaviors that they're angry or want nothing more to do with humans. In these cases you will need to be gentle, persistent, and compassionate in your attempts.

  5. Contact with a land spirit, at least at first, is usually felt on an emotional level. You'll feel how they feel, or the presence of another consciousness, as though someone else has joined the space with you. Depending on how you're psychically wired, you may also have visions, aural or telepathic conversations, or receive messages in the form of thoughts or feelings.

  6. It's ok to talk out loud to the land spirits! In fact it's welcomed. Just remember to also listen, and that you don't need to shout. Also never, ever leave any garbage behind. 

How your relationship develops from there is very much up to you and the spirits. It could be that you become more involved in the care and maintenance of the place, or that your garden grows more beautifully, or you've found a sacred spot for healing and magic. 

There was a time in human history (and it still exists in some places in the world) when the power and majesty of nature and nature spirits was revered. We, as people, are also part of nature. Let this growing and healing relationship be a mutual exchange in reverence, and watch as the power of it grows.

I assure you it's a win-win.

Additional Crystal Suggestions by Color:

a green and white moss agage polished stone

Moss agate

Help you tune in to the energy and spirits of nature

a polished green aventurine stone with a glittery appearance

Green aventurine

Enhances openness and receptivity

three green tourmaline stones on top of a rock

Green Tourmaline

Amplifies and emits healing vibrations

a polished rose quartz stone with white marbling

Rose quartz

Loving and nurturing vibrations

a gummy pink opal polished stone

Pink opal

Emotional sweetness and ease

a translucent, light pink morganite stone with striations


Sacred union

a cobalt blue azurite chunk


Clairvoyance and clairaudience

a cobalt blue, polished lapis lazuli stone with visibile golden pyrite flecks

Lapis Lazuli

Psychic ability + inner awareness

a blue tourmaline rod on a wooden surface

Blue tourmaline

Psychic communication, especially telepathic or clairaudient

a golden brown natural citrine point on a stone


Optimism + benevolent chi

a semi polished golden-honey-orange calcite stone

Honey calcite

Easy transformation

a mustard yellow polished ocean jasper stone

Ocean jasper

Happiness + joy


Go deeper than chakra balancing and crystal grids in Istaria Crystallis™ or any of my magical Crystal Courses.



Scorpio Full Moon Crystals


Aries New Moon Crystals