4 Crystals That Take You 5D

a graphic of a labyrinth

I know that channeling + journeying through crystals seems far out…

But if you think about it…

Medicine people from cultures the world over have been doing this since ancient times: channeling and traveling through the gateways opened by crystals, herbs, sound frequencies, or movements to induce trance.

And people the world over train in journey work because it helps them and their communities live healthier, more enriched lives.

In the new age resurrection of crystal work in the 70’s this practice with the stones was renewed – it was how we were able to tap into their teachings and wisdom again.

How we began to re-open to their mysteries.

But as crystals began to take hold in the mainstream things had to become practical: “red for the root”, scientific explanations, and meditation as the only means of deepening became the dominant conversation in our community.

This helped a lot of people! But it also stalled our development + the mastery of our potential with the stones.

It’s time to reclaim it! It’s time to burst out of our limiting 3D cocoons and explore what’s possible in the 5D ↓

a selenite satin spar sphere, a natural rod of black tourmaline, a quartz point, and a vogel wand of smoky quartz

↑ These are the 4 required crystals for my “Istaria Crystallis™️” program: satin spar selenite, black tourmaline, clear quartz point, and smoky quartz.

That’s right: you just need 4 to begin to cultivate your 5D self and experience new realities. To channel guidance, wisdom, and healing energy for anyone from any distance in any part of the world.

Each one of these crystals increases your vibration and raises your frequency so rapidly that they enable you to spiritually shift out of your 3D reality and open you to 5D reality through other realms or experiences.

Satin Spar:

  • initiates you into being able to access, open and channel crystal light codes

  • activates sacred geometric grids in your energy field

  • raises frequency so that you can spirit journey

Black Tourmaline:

  • electrifies + shields your dodecahedron grid so that you can journey + channel safely (this even works in your dream state)

  • establishes clear channels of spirit communication

  • helps you to clarify + achieve your life purpose

Clear Quartz Point:

  • master key to all realms including those of animal guides, Lemurian or Atlantean consciousness, angels, Akashic records, or star races

  • harmonizes your inner liquid crystal which evolves + expands your state of consciousness

  • activates all levels of psychic + spiritual abilities, and sparks additional strands in your DNA

Smoky Quartz:

  • keeps your spirit tethered to your body + sovereignty so that you can return from any journey quickly and easily

  • helps you to remain grounded in your power + sovereignty

  • channels your soul plans + desires into your earth star chakra so that they become part of your path + legacy on this earth

In this society we’re not encouraged to explore more of our power or potential except where it might benefit industry. And yet we are meant to be so much more than cogs in the machine!

Not only do we deserve the opportunity to evolve into more of our radiance, I truly believe that an evolved species (meaning us) can save our world, can make life better for everybody, can realistically achieve a higher state of being that leads to harmony, plenty, and balance on this planet.

And the stones are urging this, too: a big part of Istaria Crystallis™️, a program channeled and taught through crystals, is to help free our minds from limitation and activate our innate power to transform. Individually and collectively.

It’s bigger than me for sure - in this process I have learned to humbly surrender any need for ego and control and allow all of this work to flow through and unfold.

And in that process it has changed my life.

This is your opportunity to allow it to change yours.

Krista sitting at a table with her eyes closed and her arms gently crossed. In front of her is a collection of crystals

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Crystal Keys and the Mystical Realms They Open


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