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Spirituality, Rituals, Health, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Spirituality, Rituals, Health, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

My Past Life Journey Experience

Past life journeying and reclaiming work can certainly help us to heal issues that baffle us in this lifetime…

I did my first past life regression years ago to help heal a fear of sharks. I’d had the fear ever since I could remember, and not for any apparent reason. People would ask me: “Did you watch ‘Jaws’ when you were little?” And my answer would be “No way!”. That film would have scared the dickens out of me. My oldest and dearest friend would always wave her hand and say “You were probably a little Polynesian boy in a past life who was eaten by sharks.” I decided to find out…

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Clear the Energy of Your Space in 5 Simple Steps

While having your aura shielded and protected from lower and/or harmful energy is an essential part of self-care, you also need to be mindful of the quality of the energy in your space. Your space, after all, is an extension of yourself.

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Abundance, Rituals Krista N. Mitchell Abundance, Rituals Krista N. Mitchell

Simple Abundance: A Ritual of Gratitude

The Autumnal Equinox, also known as 'Mabon' in some spiritual circles, marks a the balance between the day and the night. This is a perfect time to celebrate the abundance in your daily life: food, friends, music, and your achievements. It's also a good day to reflect on where you're at in your life, as well as where you'd like to be.

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Moon Phases, Spirituality, Rituals Krista N. Mitchell Moon Phases, Spirituality, Rituals Krista N. Mitchell

A Simple Full Moon Crystal Ritual

Full moon's are always magical! They're a time when both magnetic and repellent energies are at their most potent, so it's an excellent time to work both manifestation and banishing magic. Here’s an easy ritual to try. You will need: a piece of clear quartz that has been cleared and charged, a notebook and pen or a recorder, and a list of questions for divine guidance.

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