Crystal Healing Support for Loss & Grief

a pink rhodochrosite tumbled stone

I lost a very dear friend a couple of weeks ago – my oldest and dearest friend.

For a child who was often bullied, abused, and rejected, her friendship was a safe haven and great blessing that was so deeply needed and cherished by me.

We’d been friends since the age of 13, and she was the one who first drew me onto the spiritual path and opened my mind and heart to mysticism.

There are kindred souls who weave themselves inextricably into the fabric of our lives – they join us on our path, and no matter how far some may stray, they never leave us.

Until they do.

I know many of us have lost people in the past year, and many more are carrying a sense of grief from all that has happened, and continues to happen, in this world.

In many ways grief in such a tender and sacred thing. We carry it with us like a fragile egg that breaks over and over again with a deep in-welling, and then outpouring, of pain and emotion.

It comes in waves, and can leave us feeling unmoored, cast adrift, lost at sea without wanting to be found.

A great part of me wanted to curl up in a ball and just let the world pass by, but the obligations of my life, my family, my work, meant that wasn’t possible.

Making time for our grief, for our tender, raw, aching moments is so very important. We must grieve, we must feel the loss, we must mourn and wail and keen – to do so is to honor both ourselves and the one(s) we’ve lost.

To carry on requires courage, grace, and empathy. We need to be held in a space of compassion, quiet, and patience.

In this week’s blog post I share some crystals that created this space for me, that helped carry my grief when I couldn’t alone, that helped bring comfort and faith and a solitary connection to Spirit.

The stones always know what we need – through resonance they call to us, they draw us into their healing circle – so trust what you feel guided to and hold it near for as long as you need.

If you’ve lost a kindred in the past while, know that I am holding space for you, too, and know that they are always with you in spirit – of this I am sure.

Crystals for Support

a black snowflake obsidian stone with grey patterning

Snowflake Obsidian

Can help carry the burden of grief for you when you have to carry on. Hold it in your dominant hand, and let the energy pass through you to the stone. Thank it for its blessing. Note that this help will only be temporary, and that you’ll need to clear its energy regularly.

a pink cobal calcite rock with some black mottling

Cobalt Calcite

was suggested to me by a member of my community. This is sweet compassion + healing grace in a crystal. Its energy envelopes you and gives you the space + time you need. Wear it, hold it, sleep with it as much as necessary.

a polished labradorite specimen with a vivid golden flash


Is a stone of mysteries. It connects you to the great mystery, to Spirit. It can help you feel the spiritual bond to the one you have lost, and bring solace. Work with it in meditation, or wear it over the heart.

a black shungite pyramid


Helps you stay grounded, aligned, clears stress, and keeps your energy flowing. It centers you in the Earth frequency which feels nurturing and supportive. Wear it or sleep with it.

a pink, polished rhodochrosite stone


Is an essential medicine stone if you feel there are things left unresolved, unhealed, unanswered. Wear it over the heart or hold it in therapy or meditation.

a satin spar selenite skyscraper tower

Satin spar selenite

Channels feelings of peace, serenity, and lifts the spirits. Have it by the bedside, under the pillow, or hold it when sleep refuses to come.


In loving memory:

  • Finnegan Mitchell, R.I.P. August 20, 2021

  • Al Klungle, R.I.P. September 13, 2021

  • Meghan Leisha Elie, R.I.P. September 27, 2021



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