How To Work With Sugilite

a close up of a purple sugilite rock with white text

Sugilite is a powerful stone of transformation, healing, emotional and spiritual growth that helps to raise your frequency, activate and strengthen psychic ability, and heal the heart. Here’s how to work with it:

Wear it daily:

  • as a spirit stone to deflect lower harmful energies

  • to raise your own frequency to be more attuned to spiritual and intuitive guidance

  • to walk the path of the spiritual master in your daily life

  • to have access to your own soul-level guidance and awareness

  • for greater access to your own wisdom from this lifetime with humility

Meditate with it:

  • in your receptive hand to help ground more light energy in your body and to heal karmic wounds, karmic trauma, karmic bonds and karmic beliefs

  • to help heal karmic fears and fears based on past life experiences

  • to connect and have greater access to your heart chakra energy for any level of healing 

  • to strengthen the electromagnetic field that surrounds you, which helps with manifestation and psychic protection

Use it in crystal therapy:

  • by placing it anywhere on the body that needs deep healing, including serious illnesses, as it helps support the body's own natural healing process

  • use it for emotional healing by placing it over the heart or sacral chakra

  • in the receptive hand for childhood wounds and for deep self/shadow healing 

  • place it on the third eye for psychic activation, and if there is a fear of what you may experience or see after activating your psychic abilities

a purple sugilite tumbled rock

You can learn about more crystals and how to work with them in your everyday life in my book "Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck" or you can sign up for my online certification program: Istaria Crystallis™!



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