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Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

Control What You Can Control

You don’t have to be an alpha leader to create change.

They say that challenging times define us, but I don't think that's quite correct:

It's in how we choose to face challenging times that defines us. And the truth as I see it is that the world needs people who make different choices.

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Emotional Healing, Protection Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing, Protection Krista N. Mitchell

Healing with Dragon Stones + Sacred Darkness

In ancient lore and mythology the dragon is the ultimate test: facing the dragon makes the hero great. In the stories of our lives, facing the dragon means facing your deepest fears or obstacles with the intention to overcome. It means facing YOU.

The sheer ferocity and invulnerability of the dragon also represents the power of your soul. You don’t ultimately slay the dragon, in overcoming its challenge you become it, you embody that power and more of your true self.

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Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

Crystal Healing Support for Loss & Grief

In many ways grief in such a tender and sacred thing. We carry it with us like a fragile egg that breaks over and over again with a deep in-welling, and then outpouring, of pain and emotion. It comes in waves, and can leave us feeling unmoored, cast adrift, lost at sea without wanting to be found.In this week’s blog post I share some crystals that created this space for me, that helped carry my grief when I couldn’t alone, that helped bring comfort and faith and a solitary connection to Spirit.

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Creating Space for Spirit to Enter: Crystals + Intermittent Silence

I recently read an article in a health magazine about intermittent silence: a practice you can do in as little as 10 minutes per day to allow your mind to pause and rest. You close your mouth and your eyes, and simply listen to the sounds around you while silently watching your thoughts. This gives your brain a break from processing, thereby reducing the effects of overstimulation (including stress or feelings of overwhelm)…

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Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

How to Reclaim Power from Your Shadow Self

I often make mention of the shadow self here on my blog, and it’s the basis of a full module of training in my Pro Crystal Healer program, due to the immensely painful effect it has on our lives. That being said, the shadow can be misunderstood or misrepresented as our inner villain, but it’s more closely defined as our wounded self, or wounded warrior.

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The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide

This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.

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Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue

The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point - but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!

Here are some crystal healing practices + suggestions that can help you…

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Emotional Healing, Health, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing, Health, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

Angelite Anxiety Relief Meditation

Scroll to the bottom of this post for a (free) separate audio file of just the meditation, for those of you who would like to download it to your devices and work with it regularly.

Angelite is a high-frequency crystal that helps bring us into the soothing presence of Spirit. It acts like a filter for the mind, helping to create a sense of calm, order, and connection to the present moment, allowing us to tune out the noise, static, or “monkey-mind” that adds to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.

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Crystal Support for Teachers

Teachers - you’ve been reaching out to me for support and I’m hearing you. Lots of stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and frustration, but at the end of the day you need to show up and stand up for your students.

So I’m breaking it down here in terms of the different energies + emotions you may be feeling or encountering as school starts up again, making crystal suggestions that can support you, and explaining how and why to work with them.

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Moon Phases, Rituals, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Moon Phases, Rituals, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

Crystal Healing Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse

There’s great turmoil in the world right now - uprising, revolution, demands for justice, and they’re happening because this is part of evolution. We can’t be awake while still being asleep to what’s happening around us, to social injustice, to systemic racism.

We also can’t be awake if we’re asleep to our own shadow selves.

This full moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius (exact on 6/5/20 at 3:12pm ET), while the sun remains in Gemini, is an opportunity for us to look within, to learn, to grow, and to face our inner duality.

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