Healing with Dragon Stones + Sacred Darkness

a diagram of the four seasons

Here in the northern hemisphere we’re in the dark phase of the Wheel of the Year. It’s a time of going inward, of reflection, of beginnings and endings.

The solar eclipse of the past weekend was a powerful catalyst for deep transformation. And while that sounds wild and transplendent, those of us who walk the path for real know that transformation + transcendence often requires (or initiates) deep inner work.

This past yer has wrought transformation under such intense pressure, much like the process our stones go through in their formation. So if you’re feeling tired and burned out right now, overwhelmed, stress, that’s your nervous system telling you that you’ve had enough.

But you’re likely feeling the transformation pressure again because we’re going through one more phase of intensity before it begins to lessen + lighten at the solstice.

Let me explain…

Many of us, myself included, have changed, healed, grown in 2021 because frankly we had to: the old stories, wounds, paradigms just weren’t sustainable anymore.

We could feel how much they were holding us back.

This leads me to the topic of today’s musings: Dragons on the path.

In the labyrinth - the sacred construct of our life’s journey - what shows up for us is what’s meant for us at this time.

The challenges, the twists, the turns, the doubling back and moving forward, are all divinely designed to bring us to centre, to the truth of ourselves/the Universe.

In ancient lore and mythology the dragon is the ultimate test: facing the dragon makes the hero great. In the stories of our lives, facing the dragon means facing your deepest fears or obstacles with the intention to overcome.

It means facing YOU.

Sword held aloft you cut through your illusions, you gain wisdom and create clarity, you invoke your strength.

The sheer ferocity and invulnerability of the dragon also represents the power of your soul. You don’t ultimately slay the dragon, in overcoming its challenge you become it, you embody that power and more of your true self.


Dragon Stones

a black and white drawing of a dragon

Dragon stones are stones of fire, either formed in fire or embodying that element, that also help us to face our inner darkness on our healing path of becoming.

They’re shadow stones which also help us to master or repel shadow.

Obsidian stones are a classic example of dragon stones and there are a variety of formations you can work with to face your darkness and wield the power of dragon.

The best way to work with dragon stones:

  • In meditation,

  • contemplation, or

  • therapy (they are intense stones and need to be worked with intentionally).

    • In crystal therapy, common placement is at the sacral or root centres, or in the receptive hand.

If you are a part of my Istaria Crystallis™ Alchemy Program, in Level 2 you can journey with them to the Earth realm or to cave in the Nature realm to face your shadow. Did you know crystals can be used to open mystical realms?

a rainbow obsidian egg

Rainbow Obsidian: especially good for times where you’re seeking renewal, rebirth, or a revelation of who you deeply, truly are.

Krista holding a big palm stone of silver sheen obsidian

Silversheen Obsidian: stone of the dark goddess, the crone, reveals to you what is unseen or hidden.

a tumbled piece of apache tear

Translucent Obsidian (aka. Apache Tear): a gentler counterpart, good for those who are grieving, recovering from loss, or are facing endings.

a pencil point of gold sheen obsidian

Goldsheen Obisidan: the Excalibur stone, it cuts through illusions, it helps you face your deepest fears, it frees you from bondage. Divine masculine energy.

a natural piece of snowflake obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian: lights your path in times of darkness, where you feel lost, blocked, or held back, and need help from Spirit or the light in moving forward.



Did You Know That Crystals Have Memory?


Crystal Therapy for Your Nervous System (which is under attack)