Did You Know That Crystals Have Memory?

While crystals have an energy matrix and field, they also have a spirit and consciousness.

They’re very like us in this respect.

When we clear our own energy we return it to its natural state and equilibrium, but we don’t clear our memories or our sense of who we are – our mind/body/soul remains intact.

The same holds true for the stones.

a gold and white design

What they experience throughout their lengthy existence is imprinted into their consciousness and is retained in their light codes. 

They remember.

For those of you who have always wondered how a record keeper, data keeper, or Lemurian seed could retain its encoded information even after being cleared, this is part of the secret. 

For those of you who participated with me in “Istaria Crystallis™️: Crystal Alchemy + DNA Light Coding” and interlinked a quartz crystal with the crystalline grid in the Earth, you know another part of the secret: ritual and journey.

Stones carry the imprints not only of what they’ve experienced, or with whom, they are also often imprinted by what’s passing through the Earth’s spirit and consciousness. This makes them memory holders for the Earth, too.

I’ve learned that stones are insatiable learners, they love to experience and collect data, they are keepers of great wisdom and mysteries.

a pink tumbled stone of rhodochrosite

So, the next time you hold a pretty, pink stone in your hand think about what you’re holding! Know that you are holding a wisdom keeper, a healer, a storyteller, a guide.

And it will remember you, long after you’re gone.

If you’re advanced in your stone skills you can hold it and ask it to whisper some of its secrets to you, or to share its story. A whole other universe can open to you.


It’s time for us to deepen + advance in our skills with the stones, and to open to the greater mysteries that can transform our lives and our world. If this speaks to you then you’re ready for my “Istaria Crystallis™️: Crystal Alchemy + DNA Light Coding” program. You can learn more + join the waitlist here.

Krista with long hair covering her face with her hands and holding a stone up to her third eye

Ps. Here’s a wild notion to contemplate:

if you’ve passed many lives on this planet, a stone may come into your keeping that you’ve kept before, and it remembers you.

In this case, it will have a record or encoded memory that only you can access because it recognizes your soul and has been waiting for you. 🤯



What Are the Crystal Light Codes?


Healing with Dragon Stones + Sacred Darkness