Finding Crystal Fairy Drops in the Woods

An interesting thing has been happening of late: rather than feeling the call to add more crystals to my keeping, I’ve been asked to let many go.

I’ve collected so many over the years, but since I’ve been working with crystal keys and their light codes, my needs as a practitioner (and keeper), have changed: In the past I needed so many for layouts, wearing in my bra, meditation, sleep therapy… You get the drift.

Now I work with, on average, the same 8-10 crystals every week. A few different ones will weave in here or there, but by and large those 8 give me all the energy medicine, guidance, and channels to Spirit I need.

Changes to My Crystal Collection

So, what do I do with all my other stones that have been lying dormant in my home, some literally for years?

They whisper that I am to give them away, and so that’s what I’ve been doing…

Some I've been giving as gifts to friends or people in my community, but others I've left as little crystal fairy drops in the woods and that’s how #crystalfairydrops came to be.

Every morning Hamish and I walk the wooded trails around our home, and as we do I bring with me a bag of stones. When one calls to me, I am to leave it in a sacred spot along the trail.

On tree stumps, clumps of wildflowers, nestled within a patch of brambles, on top of mossy covered rocks. Sometimes on beds of pine needles, deep in a hedgehog hole, or in the shallows of a river.

This will shock some of you because I know how attached we become to our crystals!

BUT, it’s just that – attachment. We don’t actually ever own crystals, they are just temporarily in our keeping.

A crystal chunk placed in the hollow of a tree next to dried bits of grass and tree leaves

Crystals Have Their Own Journey

The average crystal in your collection is thousands and thousands of years old, and will continue to exist loooooong after you are gone. (You’ll still be in its memory, though, but that’s a story for another time).

Crystals have their own lifespans, purpose, journey, memory, spirit and consciousness.

Yours didn’t come to you randomly – you were joined through resonance. You were drawn into each other’s story for a reason, and once that reason has been met, they’ll move on.

The next person who finds them isn’t random, either – they were drawn to it just as you were.


Be willing to let go if that's what you feel called to do, in whatever way you feel called to do it (I can train you in how to hear messages and guidance from your stones in Istaria Crystallis™).

Imagine their moment of delight, surprise, mystical awakening at their discovery! Isn’t that beautiful? Imagine if sharing magic with this world is part of what could save it.

I’ll leave you with that thought…



Channeling Lemurian Seed Crystals Through Water


True story of a 🤯 remote energy clearing