The Power of the “Soul Ask”

a close up of smoke

I’ve been in a reckoning these past few weeks. I know that at the end of last year many of us entered into what my crystalline guides call “a burning phase” – a time of archetypal descent where we’ve had to face challenges, hard truths, and shadow in our lives.

These times, while hard, dark, or heavy, deepen us in ways that good times don’t, and the wisdom we gain and the power we reclaim in the process is essential to our evolving humanity.

As mentioned, coming out the other end of this, I feel as though I am in a reckoning: Facing deep truths, finding greater freedom, and with it, greater responsibility.

Some believe the spiritual path will make life easier – but in my experience, it’s more like it just raises the stakes – does that resonate for you at all?

I will say though that I embodied a wisdom that so powerfully, fundamentally, changed my life with easeduring this burning time that I’m now 100% a believer in what’s possible, and that wisdom is the power of the ““soul ask””.


What is a “Soul Ask”?

A “soul ask” is this: Speaking out your innermost, raw, truthful soul desire to the Universe.

I know you’re empathic so you can feel the weight, the frequency of that statement.

Sometimes these truths are small, quiet, but no less honest, and sometimes they’re so big that we can’t believe they could ever happen, or that we’re deserving of them, or able to imagine HOW they could happen and so we assume they can’t.

And yet, there they are in our etheric blueprint, and one does have to reasonably ask if the soul is even capable of making such mistakes?

100% True Story:

a watercolor depiction of a person sitting in a lotus pose above a bed of clouds in the night sky

I experienced the power of the “soul ask” during one of my darkest times at the end of last year. I was in a personal situation that was untenable, and yet I couldn’t see my way out of it, and I was in such despair…

My crystalline guides urged me to simply own my truth, my soul truth, and so I did out loud with conviction and the power of my voice.

I had no idea HOW it would happen (I emphasize HOW because that’s where most of us get stuck and then blocked in our manifestation process). I just knew it was my truth, and that I had to own it.

Remarkable things happened after that:

First, it took it me out of the internal conflict, denial, and resistance that was draining my energy and making me feel trapped.

Next, my energy powerfully, cohesively, aligned with that truth, and rose up powerfully through my energetic field and rippled out into my field of resonance.

Third, and to my grateful surprise, reality reshaped itself in response to that energy, and my “soul ask” manifested quickly and without my having to do anything to make it happen.

This is, as I said, is 100% a true story.

I’ve had powerful manifestation experiences before, and when I look back now I can see that every one of them occurred because they were a “soul ask”. I just didn’t fully grasp how it had happened, or how I could make it happen again.


A Crystal Practice to Help You Discern Your “Soul Ask”

As we come up to this powerful solar eclipse on April 8th (and yes, I will be writing to you more about that), you may be finding that you, too, are in a reckoning.

That you, too, are being asked to release and prepare.

That you, too, may have truths to face, and desires that it’s time for you to speak out into the Universe with utter, transparent, truth and conviction.

Because if it’s your truth – it’s your truth. And if it’s in your soul’s plan, design, or desires, then it’s there for a reason.

Here’s a crystal practice I suggest that can help you with this, because I know for certain that it’s the consciousness work I’ve been doing with them that helped to evolve my own:

a polished piece of amazonite with a greenish color and gray stripes
  1. Sit with amazonite (a crystal of power that helps us to perceive, hear, and express our deep truths and desires) and open your heart to it, ask that its energy envelope you and that its spirit help to unveil for you a soul truth that it’s time for you to hear.

  2. Then open yourself to your soul – greet it as a friend and then listen.

  3. Allow yourself time in this space to fully surrender and receive. Don’t let the mind interfere (it will try). This requires silence and allowing – the magic will flow freely this way.

  4. Honor your truth as it comes, and if it feels fully resonant – speak it out. Own it. Don’t worry about the how because that’s not your job. All you’re required to do right now is honor your truth.

  5. Once you’ve spoken it out, let it go. No expectation, no manipulation, no action unless it feels guided from your soul. Surrender it to the Universe.

  6. Thank your crystal, and then be at peace.


This upcoming solar eclipse is inviting us to clear the decks and own the co-creative responsibility we have in our lives. To flex our soul power, if you will.

By engaging in this practice above you will begin your preparation and be inviting miracles.

Given that we can, and usually do, put so much energy into the negative, why not allow yourself this opportunity to do the opposite?

The worst that can happen? Nothing. The best that can happen? Wait and see…

Til next time my friend! And if I can impart one final bit of wisdom: Keep saying yes to you – it is inevitable that you’ll eventually hear a yes back.

Love love love!


Crystalline Light Grid + Eclipse Prophecy


Crystals Sing the Earth's Song